Gay Tel Aviv

Party til dawn

Known as the city that never takes a break, LGBT life in Tel Aviv is perhaps the most vibrant in the middle east. Great beaches on the beautiful Mediterranean Sea, restaurants with cuisine ranging from middle eastern to European to Asian (and everything in between), trendy clubs, dancing, music, shopping – Tel Aviv is the center of Israel's modern life. People from all over the country flock to Tel Aviv's free and easy seaside atmosphere. Thanks to the democratic tradition of Israel, the gay c...


Explore what Tel Aviv has to offer

Summer is sizzling at these 10 gay beach destinations

hot fun

Summer is sizzling at these 10 gay beach destinations

The top 50 most popular LGBTQ+ destinations in the world

diverse destinations

The top 50 most popular LGBTQ+ destinations in the world

From Mexico to Mykonos, the world’s best gay beaches

From Mexico to Mykonos, the world’s best gay beaches

150,000 marched in the biggest Pride parade in the Middle East

150,000 marched in the biggest Pride parade in the Middle East

5 things gay guys should know when traveling to Tel Aviv for the first time

5 things gay guys should know when traveling to Tel Aviv for the first time

All Tel Aviv Articles

Bars & Clubs


Intimate and inviting gay cocktail bar
Tel Aviv

Ha'oman 17

Mega dance club attracting world-class DJs
Tel Aviv


The one that started it all
Tel Aviv

Barvaz Club

Popular with the ladies



Italian/Mediterranean cuisine
Tel Aviv


Popular late nite diner
Tel Aviv


Friendly spot for lunch or dinner
Neve Tzedek

Hummus Abu Dabi, Tel Aviv

Experience the flavor of Tel Aviv
Tel Aviv


Pink House Tlv (Closed Temporarily)

The only gay guest house in Tel Aviv, Israel
The Yemenite Vineyard

Artist Hotel Tel Aviv - an Atlas Boutique Hotel

Hotel meets art museum
Tel Aviv

Cinema Hotel

Film fanatic favorite
Dizengoff Square

Ben-Yehuda Apartments

Stylish apartment-style lodging
Merkaz Halr

Alexander Suites Hotel

Michael Lucas' favorite spot
Tel Aviv

Casa-Tata Tel Aviv

Apartment rental within a larger home
Dizengoff Square

Prima City

Quiet and cozy hotel
Tel Aviv

Isrotel Tower

30-story tower on the coast
Merkaz Halr
All Tel Aviv Hotels